September 2024
I’m Sancy Hilgenberg, age 71. Back in February 2021, in the middle of the Pandemic, I found myself officially diagnosed with Covid. I’m 99% sure I also had it the year before, in March 2020, but I could not be tested. In any case, the recovery was slow, and I continued to feel crummy but was told it was most likely long Covid. It was hard to get appointments at the time (COVID remember), and I finally went to Urgent Care and got a CT scan and CA125 (tested at 1300) in April. It turns out it was stage 3C epithelial ovarian cancer, making me tired and bloated with abdominal pain.
I was living in Thousand Oaks, California, with my 17-year-old daughter. As I was insured through Kaiser Permanente, I was assigned a gynecological oncologist and scheduled for surgery in early May. Fortunately, my doctor was a highly skilled surgeon, and I came through surgery minus ovaries, uterus, and omentum with no unforeseen difficulties. My sister came from Bozeman, Montana, and my son from Eugene, Oregon, for the surgery. My daughter took care of me through recovery and 6 rounds of chemo plus Avastin. In late September, my scan showed no evidence of disease, and in December, my daughter and I moved to Eugene, where my son was attending the University of Oregon. I continued with Avastin infusions until April 2022. I have some annoying neuropathy but no pain, thank goodness. I just have to wear extremely sensible shoes.
In August 2023, my daughter and I followed my son to Portland, where he attended graduate school at Portland State University.
As of this writing, my CA125 is climbing, and I will have a CT scan in early August. My doctor has told me with a recurrence, I may be eligible for a trial of a new drug, Mirasol, if my cells have a certain genetic component.
I have a meditation practice that usually reins in my most stubborn negative thoughts and emotions and, at best, leaves me pretty chill. I eat healthily and practice intermittent fasting. I walk daily with a 30-minute stretching and strengthening program, which I try to do fairly religiously. I have a basket full of supplements, including green tea extract and indole-3-carbinol.
This past year, I substitute taught, which is something I hadn’t done for quite a few years. I found it was good for me to be out and about with some purpose, and the extra cash was good, too. In my former working life, I was an art teacher and graphic artist. Right now, I’m finishing up an acrylic painting of my cat which you’ll see below.
So there you go. I appreciate my family more so now than ever. I am so blessed to have them in my life.