Clinical trials
Join research studies
Helping to assess new ways to diagnose, treat, screen and prevent cancer.
Helping to assess new ways to diagnose, treat, screen and prevent cancer.
Clinical trials are biomedical research studies performed in people that follow a predefined set of procedures to test the safety and effectiveness of new diagnostic tests, treatments and methods to prevent diseases. In cancer research, a clinical trial assesses new ways to diagnose, treat, screen and prevent cancer. Many medical advances we have today, including all the drugs that are currently used to treat ovarian cancer patients, came about as a result of clinical trials.
Clinical trials are fundamental to the discovery of new and better therapies in the fight against ovarian cancer. Through participation in a clinical trial, patients have the chance to receive the latest and most innovative investigational medicines that experts think might improve their cancer. Clinical trials are important options for all patients at all stages of their disease and treatment. If you’re hesitant about clinical trials, read our Clinical Trials Myths and FAQs and view this helpful presentation. Learn more about finding a Clinical Trial.
View the Clinical Trials & Enrollment Summary prepared by Dr. Jou as of June 21, 2024 here:
Clinical trials are available in many communities and medical centers. You can speak to your oncologist about this. The following contacts all contain useful information on clinical trials:
NCI: (800-4CANCER)
ACS: (800-ACS-2345)
FWC: (800-444-4441)